A Day at Rancho Valencia

Morning workout & green Juice (check, check)

Our morning at Rancho Valencia started off with a beautiful Barre Sculpt class taught by a gorgeous ray of sunshine named Joanna. We loved this class and all of its booty burning glory. Wow she really knows what she is doing! It was a great way to kick off the day and compensate for the calorie damage we knew we were going to do later that day.


Massage + Green Juice and Steam (check, check)

After some sweat and yummy green juice we arrived in these beautiful massage suites complete with fireplace, warmed beds, candles, music, and outdoor bathtubs. The massages are always amazing, leaving you wishing that you could stop time so the hour never expires.

Poolside lunch & champagne surprise! (check, check)

Poolside lunch was fantastic, the food options and drinks at Rancho Valencia never disappoint. Living in San Diego we were lucky enough to toss aside the robes and actually hang out in bathing suits comfortably...in DECEMBER! (sorry Wisconsin)

Facial & Green Juice (check, check)

Facials, spa water, and those amazing lights that zap all your blemishes finished off our treatments for the day. Where can we buy that zit zapper anyways? Please holler if you know. ;)

Dinner, drinks, dessert (check, check, CHECK!)

Our night concluded with drinks in the Pony Room before our INCREDIBLE dinner at Veladora. Chef Joshua Holt came out to visit our table to describe the delectable dishes he was going to prepare for us. WOW! The food was insane! The way the dishes were paired, cooked, and presented were a dream. Yeah we took the leftovers home....cannot let any of that yummy goodness go to waste!

This was our second annual day at Rancho Valencia and we hope that it can be a yearly tradition forever. Whether you live near or far we recommend this venue for any vacation or staycation. It's a sure way to feel like you were swept away to the Italian countryside. The rooms and property are just as amazing as the spa and restaurant. For more information check out their site, enjoy! 


Katy & Shawna


Katy's Dress  Meghan LA

Shawna's Romper  HERE



Bye, Bye, Bye...


From Napa, With Love