How I Lost Weight: HARD WORK

It's no secret that putting in hard work will yield you results. As the second chapter of a three-part post you will learn that hard work alone cannot get you where you want to be but it is a huge part of the equation (part one here).You obviously have to put in the work, but it's truly is a compilation of what you eat, how you work out, and a few other secrets. If you work out like crazy but eat like crapola, it won't give you the results you want. I'm also a firm believer that working out helps you eat healthier because you don't want to cancel out all that you've just accomplished. Here is the story to my body after baby weight loss, I hope this can help people at any stage of their life.After the birth of my daughter I had six months until our wedding date. (Why did I give myself such a short amount of time? Who knows....I do not recommend it, lol.) The pressure was on! After I got clearance from my doctor to resume working out, I began doing Pilates 3-4 times a week. About a month in I realized that the baby weight wasn't melting off as fast as I hoped. I needed to get my booty into gear and quick. My friend convinced me to try Orange Theory Fitness and of course I started out by saying, "Yeah, I don't really like those kind of workouts." However, I actually had no idea what the workouts there were. In my head I told myself that it was like Cross Fit mixed with Boot Camp style where they scream in your face. I've been to one of those and wouldn't throw any company under the bus, but I hated it. It was the most demotivating workout and I left feeling discouraged and on the verge of barfing. That is not my style.After my friend asked me multiple times to come try Orange Theory I figured I had nothing left to loose but the chub. I went in with her so she could show me the ropes. Plus, having a buddy with you really helps you not to feel so lame until you can get your bearings. I completed my workout to my best capabilities and what do ya know, I loved it! It definitely isn't some easy breezy workout session but the instructors helped me in such a positive way. It's a room filled with similes, positive encouragement, and genuine guidance for you to succeed. I've now been an OTF member for about 3 years and I've been able to get my body back twice after pregnancy. Here are some of the reasons why I am such an advocate for this brand. P.S. This is NOT sponsored or paid, but I wish it was ;)


With over 750 locations in the US you are bound to have a location close by! I love that I used to have to drive a whole 10 minutes to get to my nearest studio until another new location popped up and now I have to drive a whole 4 minutes!  Orange Theory is so accessible that it's hard to make excuses not to go. I also love the fact that with my membership I can utilize other studios when I travel. They all operate under the same programs so you'll never feel like you are learning new things all over again.


The energy and vibe in the studios are great. It is all about positivity and having a "can-do" attitude. The coaches are warm and offer tons of positive encouragement throughout the class. They help and offer assistance in such a friendly, approachable manner that never makes me feel like I'm stupid or completely doing things wrong way. There are also guided videos on the monitors to show you how to properly perform exercises to avoid hurting yourself while maximizing your results. I love that I can go in and feel confident that I will get the help I need and not get discouraged. There are positive quotes up on the walls, one of my favorites being, " Don't wish for it, work for it!" This always resonates with me because I've said to myself sooo many times... "I wish I looked like that" or "I wish I were thinner" It's a gentle reminder that wishing it won't really ever make it happen, YOU'RE the only one that can make it happen. It's motivating, it get's me to run faster and try harder. I leave feeling accomplished, happy, and ready to come back for more.


Beating boredom when working out is the most challenging task for me. I feel like that's why I have such a hard time with running or anything that is repetitive or expected. When I feel bored my mind wanders, I lose focus, and I end up quitting. With Orange Theory it's something new and different every time I show up. I never know what the routine will be or how challenging it will be, which is great! Once I'm in the door they describe the details of the class but either way I'm already there and ready in my gear so there is no turning back. I love the variety of moves and exercises because I feel like I really am getting a total body workout and learning new things.


Not only can I begin to see them and feel it in my body but the results are also on the screen during my workout! The differience with OT is that you are required to wear a heart rate monitor that tracks your progress over the 1 hour class. There are TV screens all over the room displaying your personal square with your results, the best part is that nobody knows who's square is who so you are really only competing with yourself. The data shows your heart rate in colors so it is easy to decipher what zone you should be performing in based on what the instructor is saying. Here are their definitions of each heart rate zone because after all, they are the experts.It may seem confusing but after two classes it all makes sense and is super easy. You don't really have to worry about the heart rate number as much because your square on the screen will be the color zone you are in. The square also will tell you how many calories you've burned and average heart rate. The main numbers I care about at the end of each class are the calories burned and the number of splat points I earned. What is a splat point?? Splat points are the number of minutes in the class spent in the orange and red zones. When your heart rate gets into these zones you will feel the effects of what they call the "after-burn" which enables your body to continue burning calories for up to 36 hours after your workout. Now that is amazing!!!If you have been thinking of changing your lifestyle or just in need of a new workout I challenge you to give it a try. You can try a workout for FREE by clicking here. I would suggest trying at least two classes so that you really get a feel for what it's all about. What really motivated me was signing up for their Weight Loss Challenge. They do them a few times a year and it was a great way for me to hold myself accountable because I didn't want to get kicked out of the challenge (embarrassing!) Although I wasn't there to lose a huge amount of weight, I wanted to know that I could complete something fully... and I did it, twice! Orange Theory is for people of all ages and all athletic capabilities. It brings you together as a community fighting for the same common goal -Health! Love: Love the body you are in. Love it for all it's perfectly imperfections and for what it does for you everyday.  xoxo,Katy


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