The Sweat Stops Here

In the quest for becoming a more "green" person I've been using natural, aluminum-free deodorant for the past few years. The good news, it's non-toxic...the bad news, it doesn't work very well. I have tried over a dozen different brands and only one or two seem to actually do something. When I used the toxic, aluminum-based products they worked like a charm. However, the idea of putting aluminum on super absorbent skin doesn't sit well with me at all, especially near breast tissue and lymph nodes. No thank you!Natural deodorants were leaving me feeling sweaty and staining my clothes to boot! I was tired of constantly reapplying and spending money on products that didn't work. Randomly, I stumbled across this treatment called MiraDry and became immediately intrigued. MiraDry is the first non-invasive, FDA approved treatment that targets and destroys sweat and odor glands in underarms. Most people need just one treatment with a maximum of two treatments. Here was my experience...(sorry I filmed it the wrong way, rookie move)[embed][/embed]


The treatment was the most simple procedure, causing minimal discomfort. The only pain that I experienced was the small injections from the numbing agent. The whole procedure from start to finish took less than two hours and I was out the door as soon as the procedure was done. I wouldn't recommend wearing a tank top or anything sleeveless for a few days due to the little hickey marks and swelling.

1 Day Later

The only reminder that I had the treatment done was from the swelling. It felt very puffy under my arms and all around that area from the fluid they injected. For like 3 days it felt like mini water beds in my pits (weird, I know! If you get it done you will probably agree). There was also slight tenderness to the area, but nothing that would keep you from your daily routine.

1 Week Later

After 1 week the swelling and hickey marks were all gone. My underarms and surrounding area looked completely back to normal. I would say the sweat and odor wasn't completely gone yet because it takes a little while for your body to purge all of that nasty gunk out of your sweat glands.

1 Month Later

I'm so happy to report that I'm deodorant free!!! It's a miracle! I usually put a light layer of natural deodorant on out of habit and worry that later in the day I will smell, but I never do. It feels so great to know that I won't have sweat marks on any of my blouses or deodorants and creams staining my nice clothes. I am so grateful for this treatment. I was not an overly sweaty person to begin with, but this still has made a huge difference in my daily life. Style: Being sweaty is never in style, unless you're pumping iron or posing in hot yoga ;) I would love to hear your feedback or questions, message me here or on IG!xoxo,Katy


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