NYFW Hottest Beauty Trends

Fashion Week may have come and gone but this season's hottest beauty trends are coming from the runway directly to your beautiful face. Two of the biggest trends that were showcased at NYFW were luminous, glowing skin and bold lips!Nordstrom is our favorite department store so naturally we will be attending their upcoming "Trend Week" event. (Who doesn't love to play with makeup??) Join us in testing out these new trends at the La Jolla UTC Nordstrom on Wednesday, May 30th from 4:30pm-6:30pm in the beauty department. If you're local please come say hello, we would love to meet you! Beauty experts will be available for you to test out products, receive free samples and get exclusive access to special gifts with purchase.Not local to San Diego? Click HERE to see when the trend week will be visiting your local Nordstrom. If you want to receive one-on-one time with beauty experts simply RSVP to the location nearest you - it's free to attend!You won’t want to miss out on this event. You've got nothing to lose...except the key to unlocking a heavenly highlight on that cheekbone and that perfect bold pout.

High Definition Lips

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Luminous Skin

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Hope to see you on the 30th! Ciao Bella!
Katy & Shawna

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