New Year, New Me, New Blog

At the start of every year, I like to spend some time getting organized, gather my thoughts and make a list of goals that I would like to accomplish that year. They are typically based on things I have been slacking on...but SO much changed for me last year. In the same month I took over the blog, Stevie was born and I became a mom to two kiddos (that I'm obviously very obsessed with). All amazing things but it was a lot happening at once, I decided then to cut myself a little slack.

Balance and moderation. I've been trying to master these since I had Brock but now more than ever, it's all about finding my new balance. Balance between the blog, mommy duties, my marriage, social life and my mental, physical and emotional health. It is so easy it is to lose yourself when you have kids. Finding balance is so important to me, it allows me to maintain my individuality while still being an amazing mom.

When I first had Brock, everything seemed like a big deal. Taking care of another human was so overwhelming at first but as the days, weeks and months went by, my confidence grew and things became second nature. Becoming a mom for the second time has been much easier, having two kids to juggle has been the overwhelming part. I feel like I get asked about this a lot, what has changed the most since having two kids? And I really really don't want to be cliché and say everything but it's the truth. Life with Brock alone was manageable. I was rested and had lots of energy to take on the day with him. I was able to find time for myself every day to work on the blog, go to appointments, get my workouts in and still have time to make dinners, have weekly date nights and a social life. Currently, I'm back in the stage of practicing and patience. However, I'm happy to report that I'm starting to figure it out.

Mommy stuff aside, blogging has also changed for me. It seemed like in the blink of an eye I took over the blog and had Stevie all at the same time. I didn't have a plan in place because I really didn't know what to heck to expect. Since Katy and I started the blog together, PeaceLoveStyle had always been a joint effort. We split responsibilities and both contributed content to the blog and social media. This worked for us because we were both full-time moms. However, in any partnership, there were also expectations. We owed it to the other person to pull our weight. So, when one of us was having a busy week and unable to get a post finished etc, it directly affected the other person. When I took over the blog by myself, this was no longer the case and, the timing couldn't have been any better. I needed to take a step back while I settled into my life with my growing family and I was grateful that I was able to do that without worrying about anything else. The weeks and months following Stevie's birth a beautiful transition emerged. PeaceLoveStyle felt new and fresh. I was free to share my personal life on the blog however I pleased and it felt good. So, that's where I am now.

PeaceLoveStyle has organically shifted into something that is my OWN. I'm free to share and create my way, it's no longer a collaboration. The blog is something that is an extension of me and my brand. What about the name? Yes, Katy and I did name the blog together but PeaceLoveStyle has so much meaning to me personally. It's a direct reflection of how far I've come and what I stand for.

Finding peace in my life is something I'm very proud of. I'm a thinker, I love soul searching. It takes maturity to self-reflect and find ways to overcome obstacles. I find peace through fitness and being active. That hour a day allows me to clear my head. I'm a better, more grounded person after I've worked out. I have also learned that being outdoors, especially by the water is something that calms me. I've learned so much about myself in my 30's and I'm proud of my headspace. I feel more at peace now than ever before. I credit that to having a clear idea of who I am and what I stand for.

Another thing that I've learned is that love is best projected when I'm at peace with myself.  Most importantly, loving the relationship that I have with me. Self-love, it's knowing who you are and recognizing those things that make you, YOU. Staying true to myself and loving myself means being able to recognize when things aren’t feeling right but more importantly, changing them. I choose to support, build others other up, instead of criticizing and competing. I choose to put love and energy into my existing relationships and always try and make new ones that are deep and genuine.

Style is all about making a statement. We all have choices when deciding how we wish to non-verbally represent ourselves. One of my favorite parts about fashion is that style is not just in the clothes I wear, it's how I carry myself while I'm wearing them. Confidence, grace, dignity, and attitude. I love myself for all that I am, but most importantly all that I'm not. We are all so different, so unique - that is what makes this world beautiful.

The new year has really had me thinking. Who have I evolved into? What has PeaceLoveStyle become? The answer is simple, I want to empower, uplift and inspire others to do the same. I wish to motivate you to live your best life. I believe the value in my blog is teaching others how to life their best life in an attainable manner. It's possible to have it all, sure it may not be pretty but it's raw, REAL and unfiltered.

Happy New Year!

Xo, Shawna


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