Healthy "Deal Changers" I Live By

The only benefit I have found with aging is that I finally feel like I have my sh*t together. By now I've tried it, I've done it, and I've probably screwed it up. That's what your 20s are for right?! My experiences have shaped my life, what I'm doing and where I am at today. So if you're like me and love a good life hack, you will appreciate this healthy deal changers post.

+ Have a workout strategy

I won't bore you with all of the positive benefits working out has on our bodies and our mind. I'm addicted to the endorphin high, and it doesn't hurt that it's an instant confidence booster. With that said, I feel like I have found a good balance of the "styles" of workouts that work with my schedule and help me stay motivated.

I like to start the week off with my hardest workout; usually, some kind of strength day using heavier weights, and here's why. I always work out on Monday, it sets the tone for the week. A difficult workout is best because my motivation level is always high after a weekend of indulgences. When I start off strong, my body feels strong and so does my mind. This bleeds over to my works stuff, home life, etc (hence the "deal changer"). Another great thing about doing this on Monday is that strength workouts are only 30 minutes so I can get it finished and get on with tackling my week.

+ Five degrees of self-care a day

I've become a bit of a self-care junkie. When I do a few things for myself, every single day I'm always a happier person which in turn makes me a better mom, wife, friend, get the point. It doesn't take much either! Something as simple as eating a healthy meal or staying off my phone for the first hour in the morning is an act of self-care. Moving is non-negotiable and eating something healthy every day is a staple.

But most of the time self-care is based on my mood and schedule. During covid, I started "feel good Friday", an entire day of pampering from home. Some days I need fresh air and will go on a walk, on others I give my permission to chill and binge an episode of Real Housewives. For me, having a goal of five things a day allows self-care to be a priority, every single day. It's that important.

+ Balance

Ahhhhh balance, the golden ticket to feeling like I have my sh*t together. Life is no joke, and covid put that into perspective reminding us how important every single day is. Another thing that I've experienced is that time is money and experiencing that has energy into creating content than going grocery shopping or deep cleaning the house. Having help should not be frowned upon. Babysitting, Door Dash, Instacart, housekeepers - we are so darn lucky to have these kinds of services available to us why not utilize them. Balancing is the root of eliminating sources of stress which in turn allows you and your family to live a more enjoyable life. Amen.

+ A healthy relationship with food

Moderation means something different from person to person. For me, there are just too many things I enjoy (wine included) that I'm not willing to give up. I check in with myself daily and determine what I need that day. I've also developed some healthy habits that I stick to (ie, feel good eating, making healthier alternatives a habit and sneaking in as many veggies as possible). This is my "moderation" and it's allowed me to find a happy and positive relationship my body and food.

+ Confidence

There is no better feeling than you doing you. I'm not going to try and pretend that I have it down. But, I do feel comfortable in my own skin; and I'm always working on all the things that I believe make a confident person. To me, it's someone who knows exactly who they are. They know what they believe in and are true to their word. A confident person can self-reflect and can do the work. They are secure with themselves, how they look and the choices they make. Not always taking offense. Confidence is magical.


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