How I Lost Weight: CHEATING

Ok, here is the third and final part to my weight loss journey. Today I'm going to share a few secrets that have helped contribute to getting my body back after pregnancy. If you read either of the other posts about EATING or HARD WORK, you know that it's a compilation of things that I did to get back in shape. One without the others would leave me partially successful.


Freeze the fat! To whomever invented this...thank you! I love this treatment! Thanks to LaserAway, I've done CoolSculpting on my inner thighs, my upper arms, and my back love handles. Go big or go home, right?!? There are just certain areas on my body (and on most women's bodies) that are just meant to store fat, such as hips and thighs. I truly feel like this procedure has knocked off about 4-5 lbs. for me overall. I've been able to keep it off by continuing to exercise and eat relatively healthy. What I love most is that it's non-invasive,Β  doesn't hurt, or have any downtime. However, if you're looking for instant gratification or major transformation this treatment may not be for you. Final results are seen in about 2-3 months after your treatment and some areas like inner thighs usually require two treatments.

Waist Trainer

I'm not gonna go get all Kardashian weird on you here, just hear me out. I was required to wear a postpartum belt after my C-Section and it really felt good. I know that sounds very unbelievable but my back, belly, and everything inside were feeling so fully supported. Once the hospital belt was no longer medically necessary I began my research for a replacement. I wanted to keep wearing a supportive device without having it look so obvious and bulky. I ended up purchasing THIS waist trainer on Amazon because it was relatively affordable and had a ton of reviews (which I live by on any website.) What I noticed most, aside from feeling supported, was that it made my tummy feel small. Whenever I would eat, I felt full so fast. I know this is probably not a healthy solution but it really helped me to stop eating so much food in one setting and in turn I began to eat small meals and snacks throughout the day. Weight loss has been a goal for me after my pregnancies but what really matters is the way my body looks. The number on the scale is a good indicator of how I'm progressing but I don't stress out over it as much. The main things that matter to me are how my clothes are fitting, how much energy I have, and how strong I feel. I can totally notice a difference in my body even when the numbers on the scale stay stagnant for periods of time. I hope that this series has helped you or inspired you to get healthy. What has worked the best for you? I always love to try new things so drop me a line! xoxoKaty 

BirdieBee TankΒ 




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